Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jason Hammond, an update

Jason's 50th Day in Prison!

Greetings from Vandalia "Correctional" Center! 

After the 24 hour lock down purgatory known as Stateville NRC, I've arrived at the joint where I will mostly likely do the rest of my time. 

Basically, prison is a big waste of everyone's time and resources! It angers me that the system would rather keep locking people up and give them practically nothing to do instead of putting energy and resources into social programs and schools that would enable people to do well in life. The evidence points to mass incarceration being the desired state, the wealth of empire and dependent on a class in perpetual poverty. 

I am happy to say that my spirits are high and the fire in my heart is burning. I am very thankful and humbled by all the support that folks have given me through letters, books, donations and sharing my case with in their circles. I've already gotten into the flow of hitting the weights and books. Currently reading "Living My Life" by Emma Golden, "Feminism is for Everybody" by bell hooks and "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov. 

Big shout out to all my homies in Chicago, ABC in NY and beyond, D.O.P.E. Collective, CrimethInc for reading my statement on their podcast, all of the Antifa crews and everyone else that has written me. (I am slow at responding because they only sell 10 stamps a month here) It is through efforts like organizing letter writing parties, benefit shows and spreading the struggle of incarcerated folks that give us hope and inspiration. 

I don't see a way we can salvage any part of the PIC: is it for burning. We must start thinking in moving towards alternative models of community accountability, perhaps through restorative and transformative practices, instead of relying on the brutal and intrusive model of the pigs and prisons. I wish you all the best, be courageous and fierce! 

"A movement that does not support their prisoners, is a sham of a movement!" 

Love and Rage


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