this letter is just the connection of you guys in one place.
i think i been writting some nonesense, so its time to leave u guys on ur own,
im gone for the weekend, christmast stories, u know
so defend the camp while im it, yes??
fuck, is this...
oh yes, yes,
im freedom, as long as u are in prison. w o r d s.
but really, im not freedom, so im back! no vacation. :( thou
only supporting those established organizations that have been proven to be effective.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Letter to Maya
Maya Chase
P.O. Box 99
Pontiac, IL 61764
*Address envelopes to Jared Chase.
hi is Sebastian, an irregular activist,
nothing much from this side,
but the information those who support you manage to convey to the world,
and from this small planet(were I imagine to be), with only 2 occupants; my lovely rose, and i.
dreaming about a better world, scared of that snake that is waiting for me to betray my nativity and corrupt my soul, leaving me static in a netherworld, away from my loved princess, that little rose that resembles my dreams.
yes, this is a mutated version of the children's book, the 'little prince' because that's how i feel about the world, and in a very interpersonal way, i think, that's how you feel, being near that snake that killed him, and ended the story in a very dramatic way, yet, giving the readers the sensation of maturity, as when we were children, we were naive and free, but as soon as we break that cocoon, some become corrupted, some even become against those who are still thinking about freedom, or peace, or anything that made us, and you, be where we are, in the loneliness places of all, travelling to the mental worlds of choices, being incarcerated by that same system that created the snake, when the dreams we grew, the dreams we have, are in a very, very far place form where we come to the realization, that yes, it exists, as those who imagine live to inspire us to keep reaching the infinite, the better world, the world were beauty is appreciated without being material, where peace is not having a placed surrounded by weapons but education and integration, where children aren't in the streets, prostituting themselves because they were sold to the mafia or the cartels and are playing on how to be astronauts, engineers, or rescuers of dreams, that world, is the one worth dying for, being incarcerated for, working for...
...and Maya, hang on, your friends are gonna be there for you, and the world is watching those against those who want freedom, even if is in the capital of the so called freedom, because freedom is a constant, not a subjective measurement to see who has more privileges over others, no, freedom means to rectify and become a worker that will help others reach their dreams, and not the dark, painful dreams dictators have or twisted individuals have, but the dreams the ones suffering this raw world want for their children, were they can have their youth and opportunity to grow with all the help they need, in order to help you, or other, to find the roads to be happy again, as when we were naive and free.
hi is Sebastian, an irregular activist,
nothing much from this side,
but the information those who support you manage to convey to the world,
and from this small planet(were I imagine to be), with only 2 occupants; my lovely rose, and i.
dreaming about a better world, scared of that snake that is waiting for me to betray my nativity and corrupt my soul, leaving me static in a netherworld, away from my loved princess, that little rose that resembles my dreams.
yes, this is a mutated version of the children's book, the 'little prince' because that's how i feel about the world, and in a very interpersonal way, i think, that's how you feel, being near that snake that killed him, and ended the story in a very dramatic way, yet, giving the readers the sensation of maturity, as when we were children, we were naive and free, but as soon as we break that cocoon, some become corrupted, some even become against those who are still thinking about freedom, or peace, or anything that made us, and you, be where we are, in the loneliness places of all, travelling to the mental worlds of choices, being incarcerated by that same system that created the snake, when the dreams we grew, the dreams we have, are in a very, very far place form where we come to the realization, that yes, it exists, as those who imagine live to inspire us to keep reaching the infinite, the better world, the world were beauty is appreciated without being material, where peace is not having a placed surrounded by weapons but education and integration, where children aren't in the streets, prostituting themselves because they were sold to the mafia or the cartels and are playing on how to be astronauts, engineers, or rescuers of dreams, that world, is the one worth dying for, being incarcerated for, working for...
...and Maya, hang on, your friends are gonna be there for you, and the world is watching those against those who want freedom, even if is in the capital of the so called freedom, because freedom is a constant, not a subjective measurement to see who has more privileges over others, no, freedom means to rectify and become a worker that will help others reach their dreams, and not the dark, painful dreams dictators have or twisted individuals have, but the dreams the ones suffering this raw world want for their children, were they can have their youth and opportunity to grow with all the help they need, in order to help you, or other, to find the roads to be happy again, as when we were naive and free.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Letter to Jeremy Hammond
Jeremy Hammond:
I been always checking your updates and following you,
and those who follow you, lately I have not done anything related to
helping the world be a better one but I am planning some social
activities for those who need assistance in learning how to find jobs
and how to set e-mail, nothing difficult, yet a baby step.
In part that motivation comes from people like you and
from those who do it without getting to close to the heat, and what I
admire of you is that you fought and are still fighting for what you
believe, and in some reading about you, and in some words
transcribed, you said you are fighting for justice, for everyone to
know what is happening, even if it is against a government, or other
agencies, something very complex and painful.
That said, that's how heroes are made of, even if the
majority see you as a rebel or a lost cause, you stand for justice,
like what you did in favor of the victims of Bhopal, and what you did
to that security company that works behind the curtains of legality,
making freedom a commodity.
That's history in the making, that's a fire those who
understand brighten our dark days, when things aren't clear, when
depression comes, I think of what you have done and are enduring, and
that weight kind of gets lighter because that weight you are lifting
is heavy and even politicians know and make it like that so others
don't do it, but what they don't see is that the heaviest the load
the more you are admired.
And btw, Venezuela is sinking hard, yet the people from
El Libertario are still doing what they know, telling the truth and
Your friend, Sebastian.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Just one has to face charges.
and let the full weight of the law be given to the responsible.
and please, 0 deaths. maintain it as it is and everyone would have something to remember...
unless there is no law, actually. accommodated by those in danger.
no more cops, plenty of more educators, social workers, nasa employees, opportunities,
no more cops.
chose the one it will protect us from ignorance.
and let the full weight of the law be given to the responsible.
and please, 0 deaths. maintain it as it is and everyone would have something to remember...
unless there is no law, actually. accommodated by those in danger.
no more cops, plenty of more educators, social workers, nasa employees, opportunities,
no more cops.
chose the one it will protect us from ignorance.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Rodney Alvarez, actualizacion
Entrevista a Manuel Sarabia, abogado de Rodney Álvarez
P=¿Por qué se afirma que el juicio de Rodney Álvarez es un juicio político?
R= Es un juicio político porque allí el reo que se persigue es a la Clase Obrera; la patronal, que es el Estado Capitalista venezolano, necesita reducir el costo de producción y esto no lo lograrán si no someten a la clase obrera de Guayana, ya que las bases de los trabajadores de esta Región tiene toda una trayectoria de lucha por su reivindicaciones económicas.
P=¿Por qué se afirma que el juicio de Rodney Álvarez es un juicio político?
R= Es un juicio político porque allí el reo que se persigue es a la Clase Obrera; la patronal, que es el Estado Capitalista venezolano, necesita reducir el costo de producción y esto no lo lograrán si no someten a la clase obrera de Guayana, ya que las bases de los trabajadores de esta Región tiene toda una trayectoria de lucha por su reivindicaciones económicas.
P= ¿Quién es Rodney Álvarez y cuál es su trayectoria como dirigente obrero?
R= Rodney Álvarez es un joven obrero inquieto por la organización sindical y solidario con las luchas, pero esto no se trata de Rodney Álvarez como individuo sino que esto no es más que una cruzada anti-obrera que mantiene el Gobierno Bolivariano. Así mismo son los casos de los compañeros trabajadores Sidoristas secuestrados de la Siderúrgica del Orinoco: Leiny Quijada, Rederick Leiva, Heberto Bastardo y los cientos de proletarios con acoso Estatal y Patronal en las diferentes empresas básicas de Guayana y del País con el propósito de amedrentar a toda la clase obrera para así poder intensificar la explotación e incrementar las ganancias.
P= ¿A qué se debe el ensañamiento de la justicia contra Rodney Álvarez?
R= El ensañamiento contra Rodney Álvarez es una política anti-obrera de un gobierno que se hace llamar obrerista y socialista, reprimiendo, masacrando y encarcelando a la clase obrera para demostrarle a los grupos económicos que lo mantienen en el poder que pueden amedrentar a la clase obrera e inmovilizarla con toda la fuerza de su poderío Estatal para reprimir a los trabajadores.
P= ¿A quién se intenta proteger inculpando a Rodney Álvarez del homicidio de Renny Rojas López?
R= Aquí se trata de proteger al partido del Gobierno ya que a la persona que señalan las pruebas con vídeos y testigos presenciales señalan a Hector Maican como brazo ejecutor de asesinato del obrero Ronny Rojas López, fue este militante del partido de Gobierno PSUV.
P= ¿Cuál es el estatus de la causa contra Rodney Álvarez en este momento?
R= El estatus que tiene la causa de Rodney Álvarez es de secuestrado político por el Estado Capitalista Venezolano ya que para el compañero trabajador desde su secuestro se utilizó un helicóptero para trasladarlo y luego ha sido ruleteado por varias cárceles del País sin ser ni siquiera esto comunicado a los familiares. Al juicio se le da apertura solo con la presión de los trabajadores, con la solidaridad Nacional, y a nivel internacional de la clase obrera, así como el apoyo de la Comisión de Justicia y Paz del Estado Aragua y Provea. Además de esto una vez que se inicia el juicio todas la pruebas y declaraciones presentadas demuestran la inocencia de Rodney Álvarez.
P= ¿En qué instancias nacionales e internacionales ha sido consignado este caso?
R= Esta Causa se encuentra en el tribunal décimo-segundo de juicio del área metropolitana de la Ciudad De Caracas y también este caso lo hemos elevado a instancias internacionales como la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos quien también se ha pronunciado cuatro veces sobre la situación de indefensión Jurídica que ha sometido el Estado venezolano al trabajador Rodney Álvarez y del estado crítico de salud que padece este proletario.
P= ¿Cómo ha sido el respaldo del sindicato y de los trabajadores de Ferrominera al compañero encarcelado injustamente durante cuatro años?
R= Los trabajadores de Ferrenominera han demostrado su solidaridad y su compromiso con su hermano de clase Rodney Álvarez, así como la solidaridad y lucha por su Libertad por otros núcleos de trabajadores a nivel Nacional. También ha recibido el apoyo material e incondicional del sindicato de Solidaridad Obrera Madrid y SUT de Barcelona e Italia.
P= ¿Qué aprendizajes han sacado los trabajadores y su organización de el caso Rodney Álvarez?
R= Los trabajadores de Ferrominera desde un principio saben que a su compañero Rodney Álvarez se le acusa de algo de lo cual es totalmente inocente y que los hechos se sucedieron en presencia de todos los trabajadores. Han sido los parlamentarios los que han venido entorpeciendo y dificultando el proceso clarificación de fondo de lo que realmente significa el encarcelamiento de Rodney Álvarez. Los parlamentarios siembran ilusiones haciendo creer que este es un gobierno socialista; allí están de acuerdo oficialistas y opositores en el juicio y encarcelamiento del compañero que es injusto, cuando en realidad este es un Gobierno Capitalista continuador de las políticas de los Gobiernos Adecos y Copeyanos. La enseñanza seguirá materializándose en la medida que la clase obrera empiece a organizarse independientemente, fuera de la influencia de los partidos políticos y sus Parlamentarios.
Jason Hammond, an update
Jason's 50th Day in Prison!
Greetings from Vandalia "Correctional" Center!
After the 24 hour lock down purgatory known as Stateville NRC, I've arrived at the joint where I will mostly likely do the rest of my time.
Basically, prison is a big waste of everyone's time and resources! It angers me that the system would rather keep locking people up and give them practically nothing to do instead of putting energy and resources into social programs and schools that would enable people to do well in life. The evidence points to mass incarceration being the desired state, the wealth of empire and dependent on a class in perpetual poverty.
I am happy to say that my spirits are high and the fire in my heart is burning. I am very thankful and humbled by all the support that folks have given me through letters, books, donations and sharing my case with in their circles. I've already gotten into the flow of hitting the weights and books. Currently reading "Living My Life" by Emma Golden, "Feminism is for Everybody" by bell hooks and "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov.
Big shout out to all my homies in Chicago, ABC in NY and beyond, D.O.P.E. Collective, CrimethInc for reading my statement on their podcast, all of the Antifa crews and everyone else that has written me. (I am slow at responding because they only sell 10 stamps a month here) It is through efforts like organizing letter writing parties, benefit shows and spreading the struggle of incarcerated folks that give us hope and inspiration.
I don't see a way we can salvage any part of the PIC: is it for burning. We must start thinking in moving towards alternative models of community accountability, perhaps through restorative and transformative practices, instead of relying on the brutal and intrusive model of the pigs and prisons. I wish you all the best, be courageous and fierce!
"A movement that does not support their prisoners, is a sham of a movement!"
Love and Rage,
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Support Jason Hammond
Jason Hammond, 28, a resident of Chicago, was arrested on July 11th, 2013 for allegedly being involved in the interruption of a meeting of white supremacists in Tinley Park, over a year ago. Jason Hammond is a talented musician and a respected popular educator. If convicted, he faces up to 7 years in prison. He was being held in Cook County Jail with an unreasonably high cash bail of $ 100,000, but has recently been bonded out thanks to the help of friends, family and supporters.
Jason and his twin Jeremy had a stimulating and creative childhood in the west suburb of Villa Park. Jason found music to be his life passion and Jeremy became well-known for his aptitude in computer programs. Since the age of 15, Jason worked consistently at a music store and school in his hometown of Villa Park. There, he taught a plethora of string instruments to an average of 30 students per week. In addition to teaching music, Jason has been performing in bands since he was 16 and has been deeply involved in local band circuits of diverse musical genres. Jason has recorded many CDs and toured the country performing.
Jason was quick to value equality and he always stood up for people's rights. After Jason began college in 2003 he committed his life to social justice activism. This manifested itself in his day to day experiences, as he became involved in the anti-war movement, attending marches and community organizing. He used his creative talents to help educate and inspire people through popular music lessons. He also volunteered at a food distribution program for low income families, which he was still involved in up until the day of his arrest. Jason demonstrated solidarity directly with the immigrant, student and workers' rights, environmental justice and the LGBTQ movements. His reasons for doing so?
“Everyone deserves a fair opportunity to lead a good and meaningful life and at the moment we have a long way to go before this is achieved. Sometimes we cry, other times we rejoice, but we must rise to the challenge and work through these difficult endeavors to create a beautiful and free society.”
Please support Jason in this time of need, he is a very valued member of our community.
Send him a book:
About Jason Hammond
Jason Hammond, 28, a resident of Chicago, was arrested on July 11th, 2013 for allegedly being involved in the interruption of a meeting of white supremacists in Tinley Park, over a year ago. Jason Hammond is a talented musician and a respected popular educator. If convicted, he faces up to 7 years in prison. He was being held in Cook County Jail with an unreasonably high cash bail of $ 100,000, but has recently been bonded out thanks to the help of friends, family and supporters.
Jason and his twin Jeremy had a stimulating and creative childhood in the west suburb of Villa Park. Jason found music to be his life passion and Jeremy became well-known for his aptitude in computer programs. Since the age of 15, Jason worked consistently at a music store and school in his hometown of Villa Park. There, he taught a plethora of string instruments to an average of 30 students per week. In addition to teaching music, Jason has been performing in bands since he was 16 and has been deeply involved in local band circuits of diverse musical genres. Jason has recorded many CDs and toured the country performing.
Jason was quick to value equality and he always stood up for people's rights. After Jason began college in 2003 he committed his life to social justice activism. This manifested itself in his day to day experiences, as he became involved in the anti-war movement, attending marches and community organizing. He used his creative talents to help educate and inspire people through popular music lessons. He also volunteered at a food distribution program for low income families, which he was still involved in up until the day of his arrest. Jason demonstrated solidarity directly with the immigrant, student and workers' rights, environmental justice and the LGBTQ movements. His reasons for doing so?
“Everyone deserves a fair opportunity to lead a good and meaningful life and at the moment we have a long way to go before this is achieved. Sometimes we cry, other times we rejoice, but we must rise to the challenge and work through these difficult endeavors to create a beautiful and free society.”
Please support Jason in this time of need, he is a very valued member of our community.
Send him a book:
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